Duncan Holley Photography


Todays artist that i want you all to have a look at is Duncan Holley, he has a fascinating collection of work on Flickr, varying from documenting the everyday to some very dramatic sprocket 35mm images.
Concentrating on working with film Duncan has been able to keep the revival of film alive with some beautiful images taken on Holga's, Medium format, pinhole's, you name it, he's done it. And this method of working gives his portfolio a very refreshing feel of innovative creativity.

My favourite set of images are the one's Duncan has produced by attending various scooter rallies. By absorbing himself in the event he has been able to produce some uniquely intimate images which perfectly depict these events. This method of documentation is exactly what i strive for and see as a great template to take inspiration from, documentation should involve immersing one's self in what they're photographing, not just becoming a passive voyeur.
I'm really excited by this body of work and hope to see some great things come out of these images, he has been able to get himself in a very unique position of trust and comfort with these people, something which should result in more fascinating documentation of these events.

To top that all off, he's a top bloke, so give his work a look and let me know what you think.

(All rights to these images are reserved and are the property of Duncan Holley)

(All images sourced from http://www.flickr.com/photos/duncanholley/

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